Lærere vi samarbejder med hos CIM

Many of our events at Copenhahen Insight Meditation are created in collaboration with many wonderful dharma teachers from home and abroad. Here you can see some of their faces and when they teach with us.

KIRSTEN KRATZ has practised Buddhist meditation in Asia and the West since 1993. She started teaching in 2006 and since 2015 she has been ‘teacher in residence’ supporting those on personal retreat at Gaia House. Her love and understanding of Dharma has been strongly influenced by, among others, the teachings of her friend and teacher colleague, Rob Burbea. One of her particular passions is exploring how wisdom teachings can foster appropriate responses to the challenges of our time, and Kirsten sees her involvement in activism as an important expression of her practice. Kirsten is co-initiator of the “Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement” (DANCE) and supporting teacher of Freely Given Retreats.

Get in touch via Gaia House homepage

MARTINE BATCHELOR is a former Jogye Buddhist nun, and the author of several books on Buddhism currently residing in France. She leads meditation retreats, workshops and and groups that incorporate aspects of Zen, vipassanā, and Tibetan Buddhism. Martine is a guiding teacher at Gaia House and a member of the Gaia House Teacher Council.

Martine Homepage

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by Martine Batchelor

AKINCANO WEBER is a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist. A former monk, he has lived and practised for 20 years in European and Thai Forest monasteries.  He is the guiding teacher of Atammaya Cologne, co-founder of Bodhi College and part of several Mindfulness Teacher Programs. He teaches meditation and Buddhist Psychology in secular and traditional contexts in Europe and overseas.

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by Akincano Weber

JOHN PEACOCK A scholar and a Buddhist practitioner of nearly forty years. He has lectured in Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol, and at present he is Associate Director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre and teaches on the Master of Studies programme in MBCT (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy) at Oxford University. He has been teaching meditation for over twenty five years and is a Gaia House guiding teacher.

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by John Peacock

STEPHEN BATCHELOR A lay Buddhist author, teacher and self-designated scholar, he has increasingly turned his attention to the earliest teachings of Buddhism as recorded in the Pali canon. He also has increasingly turned his attention to Hellenistic philosophies, S. Batchelor is a member of the core faculty of Bodhi College, He is also a member of the Center for Pragmatic Buddhism’s Advisory Board.

Stephen Homepage

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by Stephen Batchelor

James Barez is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and has been a meditation teacher since 1978. He has created and is a teacher of the Awakening Joy course. He leads retreats, workshops and classes in U.S and abroad. He is a devoted Guiding Teacher for One Earth Sangha a Buddhist response to Climate Change.

James Homepage

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by James Barez

NATHAN GLYDE began meditating in 1997, and teaching retreats in 2007. From continued exploration grew a deep love for meditation’s alive stillness and creative silence. Feeling the potential for all of life to play a part in awakening opened an interest to cultivate attentiveness in every experience. In 2004 this led to the co-founding of SanghaSeva.org to offer retreats combining meditation with social and environmental action.

Nathan Homepage

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by Nathan Glyde

HELEN STEPHENSON has dedicated her life to the practice and study of yoga, pilates, mindfulness, meditation and counseling. She has a huge wealth to share with us. Helen Stephenson is also a level 3 mindfulness teacher and is qualified as a coach by mindfulness teachers. Her work is influenced by the teachings of her yoga teacher Sri S. Rajagopalan, the work of the late Ron Kurtz (founder of Hakomi bodycentred therapy), the late Al Bauman (student of Wilhelm Reich) and his student the late Michael Smith who have taught her the body centered way of working with individuals. She is much influenced by the teachings of the Senior teachers in the Vipassana tradition.

Helen Homepage

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by helen Stephenson

SUVACO HANSEN Suvaco er tidligere buddhistisk munk og lidenskabelig fortaler for at engagere sig i alle livets former. Han bor i det sydvestlige Storbritannien, hvor han arbejder som psykoterapeut og underviser i meditationsretræter. Han voksede op i København.

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by Suvaco Hansen

CALLE HUNEFALK startede i 2010 og har fortsat siden da i Theravada traditionen, med fokus den praktiske læring i tidlig Buddhisme. Calle studerer direkte under buddhistiske munke og arbejder som frivillig ved Amaravati klostret i England. Han deltager i årlige retræte og har erfaring med MBSR og yoga. Han er indehaver af Livsindsigt, der hjælper mennesker til stressfrihed og sindsro gennem praktisk brug af buddhistiske læringer.

Calles Homepage

Teaching at Copenhagen Insight Meditation by Calle Hunefalk

EVA BROBY JOHANSEN met meditation in the mid-80s – a path towards more joy and contentment in life. She began teaching Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in 2007. Mindfulness opened doors for two research projects. 1. Mindfulness for Women with Breast Cancer (MICA). 2. Investigation of the impact of nature on stress victims, where MBSR was part of the program. Eva has taught open meditation groups, retreats and other forms of meditation courses. She is a private practicing psychologist, behind “AWAKE IN NATURE”, certified both MBSR instructor and Natural Meditation Teacher, cognitive and shock / trauma therapist, systemic family and narrative therapist. She completed the Comitted Practitioners Program, Bodhi College in 2019 and is currently in training for Dharma Teacher, Bodhi College.

Eva Homepage